Welcome to the 2024 Annual Expert Witness Conference

The UK’s largest gathering of expert witnesses is back on Friday 8 November 2024. Attend our annual conference face-to-face at Church House in Westminster or virtually. Last year over 700 experts attended this event. Past speakers have included the Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls and the President of the Law Society.



Why attend this year’s conference?

Attend the conference to:

  • Meet and network with your peers – this is an opportunity to connect and meet with other expert witnesses. Whether you are attending in person or virtually (through the conference app) you will be able to see who is attending. 
  • Hear from senior, influential, legal professionals on aspects that will affect your expert witness work – This year is no different and speakers will include the Chair of the Bar and Chief Executive of the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
  • Keep up-to-date – Learn about recent changes, case law updates and emerging trends relevant to your expert witness practice.
  • Accrue CPD – Attending our conference counts as 6 hours of CPD.
  • Receive practical guidance and support for your expert witness practice – from our knowledgeable speakers, your fellow experts and our sponsors.

Who should attend?

Attend the conference if you are a new or an experienced expert witness, or if you are an experienced professional looking to expand your repertoire and become an expert witness.


To find out more

For more information on the conference, please contact us on
020 7549 2549 or email expertwitness@bondsolon.com